Photographer Valentin Hennequin captures Frida Henneberg as Delphine, escaping to remote rural Italy. Inspired by holidays in the 1960’s, Delphine takes refuge from her usual life, basking in the idyllic and peaceful surroundings of the countryside.
“Delphine decided to leave the city for the weekend. There was a house she could occupy, somewhere in northern Italy, not far from that village she used to love. It had been empty for a while now and dust had settled in every room, but she didn’t mind. She never gave me the address or her phone number and I think that is the way she wanted it to be. So I had to wait for her to come back.”
Model: Frida Henneberg @Select
Photographer: Valentin Hennequin @2DM Management
Stylist: Oana Cilibiu
Stylist assistant: Ruxandra Virca
Hair: Luigi Morino @Closeup Milano
Makeup: Simona Parrella
Casting: Julia Asaro @Creartvt New york
Thanks to Ristorante Il Cavallino in Vigolzone.